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  1. Universal Load-Carrying Sling
    1. Description. The universal load-carrying sling (fig. 27), is a supplement to the individual load-carrying system for carry of special loads. It is 1 3/4 inches wide, approximately 6 1/2 feet long and is adjustable. The sling is provided with lightweight hardware components such as buckles, slide loops, and V-rings which can be shifted to the position required to attach various loads capable of being man-carried.
    2. Use. Use the sling to man-carry general utility loads, ammunition, and infantry crew-served weapon loads in all climates except the Arctic, where it may have limited use. The sling may be used singly or in combinations of two or more, and in conjunction with the individual load-carrying equipment, depending upon the load to be carried. Use should be limited to carry of approximately 35 pounds per sling. Instructions for assembling typical loads to the sling are as follows:
      1. 3.5-inch rockets. A method for carrying 3.5-inch rockets is illustrated in figure 28. To assemble the load illustrated, refer to figure 29 and proceed as follows:
        1. Adjust loop end of sling to the appropriate length for the size and number of rounds of ammunition to be carried (1).
        2. Place rockets between slide loops (2).
        3. Adjust loop end to secure rockets firmly in place (3).
        4. Attach adjustable buckle with snap fastener to V-ring (4).
        5. Adjust strap to fit the wearer (5).

      2. Ammunition boxes. Figure 30 illustrates a method for carrying two boxes of ammunition. For this load, the loop end is adjusted to secure one box and the adjustable buckle with snap fastener and V-ring secures the other.
      3. Five-gallon water can. Figure 31 illustrates a method for carrying a 5-gallon water can,using two slings.
      4. Rations. Figure 32 illustrates a method for carrying a case of rations using two slings.
      5. Litter. Figure 33 illustrates a method for carrying a litter using four slings, leaving the carriers' hands free for other use.
    3. Practical Application. The load-carrying assemblies described above are typical of the many purposes for which the sling can be used. Other uses should become apparent to the user under field conditions. The only use restrictions are the stated weight limitations and the design limitation of being for man-carry purposes 'only.

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