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This notice is excerpted from the Omaha Herald, Nebraska, 1867.

"STAGECOACH ETIQUETTE: If a team runs away, sit still and take your chances; if you jump; nine times out of ten you will be hurt. In very cold weather abstain entirely from liquor while on the road; a manwill freeze twice as quick while under the influence. . .Don't smoke a strong pipe inside especially early in the morning; spit on the leeward side of the coach. If you have anything to take in a bottle, pass it around...Don't swear, nor lop over on your neighbor when sleeping...Never attempt to fire a gun or pistol while on the road...Don't discuss politics or religion, nor point out places on the road where horrble murders have been committed...Don't grease your hair before staring or dust will stick there in sufficient quantities to make a respectable 'tater' patch."

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